Design Thinking in Credit Card Stack Development: Creating User-Centric Experiences

Home / Blogs  Table of contents Introduction 1. Empowering Credit Card Issuance 2. Modular Flexibility 3. Highly Configurable 4. Delivering a Fintech-Like User Experience​ 5. Rapid Implementation and Seamless Integration​ 6. Rule-Based Operations: Ensuring Compliance and Personalisation ​ 7. Leveraging ML/AI for Real-Time Actions ​ 8. Future Compatibility and Innovation ​ Conclusion In today’s rapidly […]

Unlocking the Power of Reward Loyalty Programs in Credit Cards: Enhancing Value-added Services

Home / Blogs Table of contents Introduction Differential Rewards Points ​ Closed Loop EMI Program​ Meta Data Engine Card Holder Defined Actions In Conclusion In today’s fast-paced world, credit cards have become an integral part of our financial landscape. They offer convenience, security, and flexibility, making transactions seamless both online and offline. However, credit cards […]

New to Credit – A millennial’s wishlist from Credit Cards

Home / Blogs  Table of contents Introduction Instant Card Issuance ​ Credit Card on UPI​ Reward Programs for Online Shopping Low Forex Markup for International Travel​ Travel Rewards for International or Domestic Trips​ Local Lifestyle Perks​ Financial Management Tools​ Customised Offers​ Gamified Rewards​ Language and Regional Support​ Student-focused Features​ Flexible Credit Limits​ Green Initiatives​ Collaborations […]

Secured Credit Cards – A Credit Score Builder Product

Home / Blogs  Table of contents Introduction Growth of Credit Cards Strategies issuers use Conclusion Over the past few years, India’s credit card sector has experienced remarkable growth, boasting nearly 98 million active cards and transaction volume reaching 323 Million in December 2023. Projections suggest that this figure could grow to 190 million cards by […]